Who Are We?

Earth-Watchers are a diverse group of individuals who share a common interest in protecting our planet. We meet once a month to discuss how we can shed environmental impact pounds and live "lighter," on the earth. We focus on individual actions as well as community systems to help us meet our goals.
Click Here to Learn More about us and our Current Goals

Earth-Watchers meet in downtown Manhattan on the first Tuesday of each month. To learn more, to join, or to start a group in your community please email us at earthwatchers@yahoo.com.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Energy Conservation Begins at Home

1. In the summer months, cover your windows during daylight hours with heavy, dark colored drapers or close shades or blinds.
2. Unplug appliances when not in use, including coffee pots, toasters, microwaves, t.v's etc.
Anything plugged into an outlet is sucking up electricity even when not in use. For difficult to reach plugs, and to save on wear and tear on your outlets and appliances, I recommend getting a smart strip power cord.
3. Many appliances, such as toasters, washers, driers and dishwashers give off heat when they are running. Try to run these appliances, whenever possible at the coolest time of the day, cutting down on air conditioning use.
4.If you haven't done so already, here's another reason to change your light bulbs! The reason why typical incandescent bulbs are so inefficient is because most of their energy use is expended giving off heat instead of light. Therefore, on hot summer days, requiring more effort from your a.c. to keep your home cool.
5. While using a clothes line is best, if you must use a drier, limit the time you use it. I usually put clothes that need ironing in for just 5-10 minutes so that wrinkles can be greatly reduced then hang them on a hanger in my shower.
6. Keep the oven off in summer by using other appliances instead. A stove-top, toaster oven, microwave or crock pot will give off considerably less heat and will use much less energy than a conventional oven. Need to use an oven? Why not try a solar cooker?