Who Are We?

Earth-Watchers are a diverse group of individuals who share a common interest in protecting our planet. We meet once a month to discuss how we can shed environmental impact pounds and live "lighter," on the earth. We focus on individual actions as well as community systems to help us meet our goals.
Click Here to Learn More about us and our Current Goals

Earth-Watchers meet in downtown Manhattan on the first Tuesday of each month. To learn more, to join, or to start a group in your community please email us at earthwatchers@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

NYC Guide to Energy Consumption and Alternatives

The Energy Issue:
Switch to green power today by calling ConEdSolutions at:888-320-8991 or online at nywind.com.

If you have already switched to green power you may be confused by a recent request from
ConEd to upgrade your power to include wind exclusively. I was reluctant to make this change at first because in comparison to other alternative fuels, wind energy seems to have a lot of negative implications with respect to bat and to a lesser degree, bird casualties. Yigal Gelb, program director for New York City Audubon, and Mike Adams of NY Wind, helped to clarify things for me. According to Yigal, when it comes to protecting wildlife, there is no question that wind is a better choice than burning fossil fuels. Despite the fact that the wind turbines can cause bat casualties, global warming, due in part to the burning of fossil fuels for energy consumption is a far greater threat to wild populations around the world.
So what about for those of us who have already made the switch to alternative energy? Why should we switch to wind exclusively?

Well, according to Mike Adams, when you switch to wind power your money is used to develop more wind power in New York. Solar is not being developed in New York because we simply don't have the space to develop it properly and
hydropower has reached it peak in development. Improvements to solar and biomass as green power may be better options in the future, but if you are interested in making a difference today, switch to wind.

Businesses in New York City and the surrounding area wishing to improve energy efficiency and switch to green power can visit www.brightpower.biz for a variety of services.

Save energy by buying local, seasonal produce and meat. To learn more visit the core/guide to eating local and organic.

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