Who Are We?

Earth-Watchers are a diverse group of individuals who share a common interest in protecting our planet. We meet once a month to discuss how we can shed environmental impact pounds and live "lighter," on the earth. We focus on individual actions as well as community systems to help us meet our goals.
Click Here to Learn More about us and our Current Goals

Earth-Watchers meet in downtown Manhattan on the first Tuesday of each month. To learn more, to join, or to start a group in your community please email us at earthwatchers@yahoo.com.

Monday, April 2, 2007

April 14th, National Climate Awareness Day

This April 14th has been declared National Climate Awareness Day. People around the nation will gather for a variety of events to demand that Congress..."Cut Carbon emissions 80% by 2050." There are interesting events all over the country, to find one near you visit: http://www.stepitup2007.org/ and punch in your zip code. http://www.stepitup2007.org/img/original/Tallahassee%20Ark.jpgOne particularly interesting event will take place in New York City's Battery Park, where protesters will line up to create a "sea of people." The rally begins at noon in Battery Park, then protesters, dressed in blue, will join hands as they spread out along Manhattan's east and west sides to create a visual representation of what Manhattan will look like under the 10-foot sea level rise scenario. For more on this event visit, www.seaofpeople.org. There are also several other events in New York City which you will find at the step it up website.

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