Who Are We?

Earth-Watchers are a diverse group of individuals who share a common interest in protecting our planet. We meet once a month to discuss how we can shed environmental impact pounds and live "lighter," on the earth. We focus on individual actions as well as community systems to help us meet our goals.
Click Here to Learn More about us and our Current Goals

Earth-Watchers meet in downtown Manhattan on the first Tuesday of each month. To learn more, to join, or to start a group in your community please email us at earthwatchers@yahoo.com.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Earth-Watchers Plan

Earth-Watchers is not about feeling guilty or passing judgment. Earth-Watchers is about finding your comfort zone, then stretching it until the stretched area begins to feel comfortable. When it does, stretch again.


Each month earth-watchers members choose a more eco-friendly habit.
At the end of the month we discuss our successes and failures as group. We brainstorm how we can make our moves toward sustainability more practical for everyone.

In addition, we take a look at what changes can be done in our community to help others to adapt some eco-friendly habits. For example. it is much easier to eat local when your community has a farmer's market or CSA. It is also much easier to collect compost when your community has a convenient and accessible drop-off location.

Would you like to try the Earth-Watchers action plan? Below you will find a list of eco-friendly actions. Choose one and when it becomes a habit and not a struggle, (only you can determine when that is), choose another. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

1. Purchase only shade grown, organic fair-trade coffee(August article and guide)
Reduce your exposure to toxins(May)
3.Say no to paper and plastic bags at the supermarket.(April)
4.Make one in 10 food items organic and avoid the dirty dozen.(March)
5.Choose sustainably harvested seafood.(March)
6. Stop using chemicals to clean your home.(March)
7. Stop sending conventional flowers. Send plants, or organically grown instead.(February)
8. Commit to choosing vintage and recycled jewelry(February)
9. Choose locally grown fruits and vegetables. To find a CSA visit www.localharvest.org